Ingrid Raphaël

Ingrid Raphaël is a transdisciplinary artist, filmmaker and educator whose creations are shaped by their experiences with migration and the concept of home. Their nomadic journeys serve as a foundation for the exploration of memory, geography, home, temporality, and futurism. These concepts are weaved into their work like their multimedia solo exhibition Pitch Blue, their slate of experimental and documentary films, their dance performances, and in their self-written curriculums taught at the decolonial film school Film Futura, the community production hub PhillyCAM, analog-based workshops at Mono No Aware, digital-and-technology focused youth programs at Eyebeam, temporality-based lectures at Black Quantum Futurism, after-school programs at Bronx Museum of the Arts, and at university institutions and more.

They are a recent fellow at the Center for Afrofuturist Studies and a recipient of the Independence Public Media Foundation — both supporting their Philly-based speculative film currently in development. Additionally, they co-curate programming at NO EVIL EYE CINEMA and co-directed the short doc They Won’t Call It Murder, a 2021 Vimeo Staff Picks.

Last updated: Mar 19, 2024