Ian Sampson

Ian Sampson is a writer, though you could be forgiven for confusing him with an artist. He makes comics, prints and drawings driven by narrative. We build stories for ourselves every day, constructing the narratives that shape our worlds. Sampson documents those fictions and imagines himself into other people’s through the malleable but dreamlike medium of comics. Comics demand intimacy and consideration, while prints expand themselves into the world in multiples. Sampson’s studio practice echoes the practice of writing, flowing back and forth between the isolation of the drawing table and the community of the print shop, between the private nature of reading and public nature of print. Writing is similarly contradictory, intensely personal but also an honest and empathetic reflection of an outside world. Sampson’s work always seeks to carry that sense of narrative discovery, for himself and the viewer alike.

Last updated: Feb 24, 2016