The Art of the Protest

About This Series 

This Spring, we’re partnering with the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts to co-produce a series of programs surrounding “The Art of the Protest.” The series – which will include a panel discussion and three free sign-making workshops – will explore how artists and members of the public express themselves in times of political change, and will encourage the local community to make powerful and creative visual statements that ignite social change through support of local, national, and global causes.


The Art of the Protest Sign-Making Workshops (remaining)

Monday, May 1, 2017, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Featuring Signs of Solidarity artist Alloyius McIlwaine


Sign-Making Workshop: The Art of the Protest

COMPLETE: Panel Discussion: The Art of the Protest

COMPLETE: Sign-Making Workshop: The Art of the Protest

COMPLETE: Sign-Making Workshop: The Art of the Protest